Networking technology, at the middle of development turn on to web 2.0, so network instrument manufactures have to make larger model of data storage and rapidly have to increasing the protections. Today, many companies present in internet, because the appearing makes company more valuable, promises many opportunity to develop it business.

That’s the reason why companies protect their data and all of their information in the net in order to get smooth services to the customer, also make customers enjoy doing transactions activities.

Have you already chosen data storage for your online business? Here some reviews:

One of data storage in the market is SPX2000, made by Array Network, company that usually serve network instrument to many provider companies. This new product experience scale reducing, designed for small business or home business with accessibility for 500 users/consumer in the same time.

This instrument also have other interesting features beside it capacity. This data storage able to be configured until 128 portals which have several profile protection. This feature make business partner have different portal for different consumer, and also have different configuration for employees. SPX2000 also check machine which want to access it database.

Smart System

Another network instrument which important to protect your data in internet or server is CDP2440i from SonicWall. CDP2440i or called as Continuous Data Protection is backup system which different than Network Area Storage (NAS).

Use Linux operating systems, CDP2440i have difference technology which traditional backup technology, both the software and hardware.

At CDP system, backup system do with watch/monitoring machine which do data writing in harddisk. When SonicWall CDP2440i monitoring certain activity in the computer. That data renewal immediately noted in CDP2440i storage through networking system, create files in continuous renewal.

With that system, backup system becomes more efficient. For example, from 100GB data, only 1MB of data change noted in real time, not through static juncture.

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