1. Content

You can start make podcast based on topic that you like or maybe under your concern. Lot of podcaster is talking about their day to day living, like her/his jobs, how they get their jobs, their hobby, and something like that.

You can make podcast about anything, but remember these two things:

  1. A podcast not only show up once. It is always in series. It contains some episode and publicized in order. Because of that, from beginning determine how much episode that you’ll make.
  2. You can talk anything, but the duration limit is must less than 20 minutes. In fact, 3 minutes podcast can be a hit.

News with interesting and popular topic usually spread quickly. Recorded misspelling sometimes make podcast seems honest and original.

If you want add music, use podsafe. You allowed play all of music without worry. Best podsafe directories, for example is Podsafe Audio  and Podsafe Music Network .

If you need jingle, you can use part of podsafe, but you have to ask permission to the creator.

  1. Recording

Make podcast can be done with windows XP, windows Vista, or Apple PC. In new Mac engine, there is available microphone and GarageBand program to record and edit podcasts.If you only have PC, a headset or microphone and audacity software is enough. You can make podcasts with those instruments.

Once microphone plugged to PC and software podcast already configured, you can immediately start create podcast.

  1. Publicity

After your podcast ready, you have some choice to publish it. One, you can use LoudBlog, blogging system that special made for podcaster.

Another way is use PodPress, a wordpress plugin for podcast with audio-blogging function.

Need free hosting huh? Use Upload your podcast, and automatically feeds created.

After that, submit your podcast feeds in podcast directory like iTunes. And you’ll famous in entire world :).

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