Mobile Journalism, threat or challenge?

Mobile journalism is journalist who use mobile communication instrument, and all of operatioanal system, begin with images or video recorder, typing, editing, and send news from the fields, even that the journalist in the move.

According to this definition, journalists no longer go to office or studio, and no notebook. They can arrange news with phone cellular. Wow, that’s surprised, there are no notebooks, or palmtop, even PDA, they just hold Nokia Serie N95 8GB, and put it in their pocket.

To become more pro, that phone cell use tripod, so images or videos do not shacked. Microphone and keyboard made in brief shape, and able to put in pocket, so it is so simple. And maybe, in hard fields, like Afghanistan, journalists have to carry solar charger.


Besides instrument, mobile journalist and conventional have another different. Mobile journalist work so independent, or stand alone :). With that simplest instrument, journalist not only typing, but also edit, make layout, made sound, images, and another finishing before the news sent. So it will cut news management.

Independent and professional is main factor for journalist right now. Reuters have been creating 20 mobile journalists as project.

Proffesional journalist with cheap equipment, make media owner change their mindsets. Mass media do not expensive business anymore, the key is select professional journalist, multifunction devices, online media, and news planning can create respect mass media.

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