Sweden have Volvo and ABBA as icon, and right now they have new icon : Dagens Nyheter.

Dagens Nyheter only newspaper, and not new stuff. What makes it is new and it is good to icon admission is experience of metamorphose. Not only metamorphose to mobile newspaper, but this newspaper can be access through phone cell media.

Dagens Nyheter (DN), means News of Today, signed big jumped of press industries. When almost of newspaper media decreased, and formed to online media, DN not only play in online media. DN removed the content to phone celll. More brief and mobile.

Not Open Papers

To read DN, do not have to open paper anymore, so it wills no annoying some ones in public transport. Not necessary either to open notebook and busy to looking for WiFi. DN can be read only open you phone cell, and looking for news that you want read. And it accessible in anyplaces.

DN want that their reader able to follow news in anyplaces and condition, although there is no newspaper and internet access. So it just how to distribute the news, and phone cell is great solutions.

DN is biggest Swedish newspaper, with 345,000 exemplar. This media created by Rudolf Wall at 23 December 1864, and change from broadsheet to tabloid at 2004. Now DN belongs to Bonnier AB.

Customers have to have Nokia 6120 to access the news, and have pay 31 US dollars.

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